April Neale


About me, my market, and what I love most about my work:
It took more than a minute, but The Idaho Press finally invested in an entertainment reporter. I was fortunate to be here in Boise at the right time and place and with the right stories that resonated with the community, locally and worldwide online. I love speaking with the creatives—above and below the line—to get the insider details on everything from scripted network and streaming drama to reality docuseries from History, A&E, Nat Geo, Discovery, and PBS. I love smart TV and am fortunate that people subscribe to and support the local newspaper here in Idaho. I don’t take their readership for granted. What I love most about my work is that I have made so many wonderful connections and friendships and have traveled a good part of the world doing my job.

This is my passion project, or passion in general:
Passion in general, as I am sincerely interested in the people who I am connected to for reporting in The Idaho Press. I am lucky to be paid for it.  Passion project is my magazine, IdaHome FLAVOR, features famous TV chefs and content that focuses on the ski resorts and bigger cities in Idaho. So that’s also been a wonderful thing that’s successfully taken off too. I was able to combine my love of famous TV chefs and food. 

What it means to me to be part of CCA:
Because of the caliber who is part of the group, for me it is a point of pride with the bonus of camaraderie. I love meeting and speaking to the members and seeing what their covering and what is lighting up their brains for entertainment. There is so much content from so many platforms, it’s fantastic to “share” a brain and be able to lock in and find projects that would might have gone missed just through a conversation with a CCA member I trust and feel has similar taste.

My Favorite Film/ TV series that I am currently watching and why:
For the film, I didn’t think I would enjoy the Barbie movie as much as I did. I grew up on a remote New England island with frugal parents who believed the tidal pools and beach served as a playground. I was so deprived! For television, my heart breaks that FX’s Reservation Dogs is saying goodbye after this season, as Sterlin Harjo has created a canopy of beautiful characters who I have grown to love, especially in the over 50 years-old range. I adore the character actors and how incredible scenes are written for them to shine. I’ll miss it terribly.

My social media and where you can find my work:
@AprilMac for Twitter (still calling it that, so there, Elon) and Threads, IG is @aprilofhouseneale and FB page is @AprilMaryNeale

